Ulmus minor 'Punctata'

Elm cultivar
Ulmus minor 'Punctata'
SpeciesUlmus minor

The field elm cultivar 'Punctata' ['spotted', the leaf] first appeared in the 1886–87 catalogue of Simon-Louis of Metz, France,[1] as U. campestris punctata. It was distributed by the Späth nursery, Berlin, in the 1890s and early 1900s as U. campestris punctata Sim.-Louis, the Späth catalogue listing it separately from U. campestris fol. argenteo-variegata (which was probably either the Field Elm cultivar 'Argenteo-Variegata' or the English Elm cultivar 'Argenteo-Variegata') and from U. campestris fol. argenteo-marginata.[2] Green considered it possibly a synonym of the Field Elm cultivar 'Argenteo-Variegata'.[3]

'Punctata' is not to be confused with the European White Elm cultivar U. laevis 'Punctata'.


'Punctata' was described by Simon-Louis as having spotted leaves.[3] Späth's catalogue described leaves as "marbled and splashed with white".[2]

Pests and diseases

Most U. minor cultivars are susceptible to Dutch elm disease, but, if not grafted, can survive through root-sucker regrowth.


No specimens are known to survive, unless the tree is synonymous with 'Argenteo-Variegata' or 'Atinia Variegata', both still cultivated. One tree was planted in 1898 as U. campestris punctata at the Dominion Arboretum, Ottawa, Canada.[4] Three specimens supplied by the Späth nursery, Berlin, to the RBGE in 1902 as U. campestris punctata may survive in Edinburgh, as it was the practice of the Garden to distribute trees about the city (viz. the Wentworth Elm);[5] the current list of Living Accessions held in the Garden per se does not list the plant.[6] A specimen of U. campestris punctata, obtained from Späth before 1914 and planted in 1916, stood in the Ryston Hall arboretum, Norfolk,[7] in the early 20th century.[8] An 'Album Punctatum', with "white-speckled foliage", appeared in the 1902 catalogue of the Bobbink and Atkins nursery, Rutherford, New Jersey.[9]


  • U. minor 'Argenteo-Variegata' ?
  • U. minor 'Atinia Variegata' ?


  1. ^ Simon-Louis (Metz, France), catalogue of 1880,  p.66
  2. ^ a b Katalog (PDF). Vol. 108. Berlin, Germany: L. Späth Baumschulenweg. 1902–1903. pp. 132–133.
  3. ^ a b Green, Peter Shaw (1964). "Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus". Arnoldia. 24 (6–8). Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University: 41–80. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  4. ^ Saunders, William; Macoun, William Tyrrell (1899). Catalogue of the trees and shrubs in the arboretum and botanic gardens at the central experimental farm (2 ed.). pp. 74–75.
  5. ^ Accessions book. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 1902. pp. 45, 47.
  6. ^ "List of Living Accessions: Ulmus". Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Retrieved 21 September 2016.
  7. ^ rystonhall.co.uk/
  8. ^ Ryston Hall Arboretum catalogue. c. 1920. pp. 13–14.
  9. ^ Bobbink and Atkins, Rutherford. N.J. 1902. p. 51.
  • v
  • t
  • e
Species, varieties and subspecies
  • U. alata (Winged elm)
  • U. americana (American elm)
  • U. americana var. floridana (Florida elm)
  • U. bergmanniana (Bergmann's elm)
  • U. bergmanniana var. bergmanniana
  • U. bergmanniana var. lasiophylla
  • U. castaneifolia (Chestnut-leafed or multinerved elm)
  • U. changii (Hangzhou elm)
  • U. changii var. changii
  • U. changii var. kunmingensis (Kunming elm)
  • U. chenmoui (Chenmou or Langya Mountain elm)
  • U. chumlia
  • U. crassifolia (Cedar or Texas cedar elm)
  • U. davidiana (David or Father David elm)
  • U. davidiana var. davidiana
  • U. davidiana var. japonica (Japanese elm)
  • U. elongata (Long raceme elm)
  • U. gaussenii (Anhui or hairy elm)
  • U. glabra (Wych or scots elm)
  • U. glaucescens (Gansu elm)
  • U. glaucescens var. glaucescens
  • U. glaucescens var. lasiocarpa (hairy-fruited glaucescent elm)
  • U. harbinensis (Harbin elm)
  • U. ismaelis
  • U. laciniata (Manchurian cut-leaf or lobed elm)
  • U. laciniata var. nikkoensis (Nikko elm)
  • U. laevis (European white elm)
  • U. laevis var. celtidea
  • U. laevis var. parvifolia
  • U. laevis var. simplicidens
  • U. lamellosa (Hebei elm)
  • U. lanceifolia (Vietnam elm)
  • U. macrocarpa (Large-fruited elm)
  • U. macrocarpa var. glabra
  • U. macrocarpa var. macrocarpa
  • U. mexicana (Mexican elm)
  • U. microcarpa (Tibetan elm)
  • U. minor (Field elm)
  • U. minor subsp. minor
  • U. minor var. italica
  • U. parvifolia (Chinese or lacebark elm)
  • U. parvifolia var. coreana (Korean elm)
  • U. prunifolia (Cherry-leafed elm)
  • U. pseudopropinqua (Harbin spring elm)
  • U. pumila (Siberian elm)
  • U. rubra (Slippery elm)
  • U. serotina (September elm)
  • U. szechuanica (Szechuan (Sichuan) or red-fruited elm)
  • U. thomasii (Rock or cork elm)
  • U. uyematsui (Alishan elm)
  • U. villosa (Cherry-bark or marn elm)
  • U. wallichiana (Himalayan or kashmir elm)
  • U. wallichiana subsp. wallichiana
  • U. wallichiana subsp. xanthoderma
  • U. wallichiana var. tomentosa
Disputed species, varieties and subspecies
  • U. boissieri
  • U. minor subsp. canescens (Grey, grey-leafed or hoary elm)
  • U. elliptica
  • U. davidiana var. japonica × U. minor
  • U. × arbuscula
  • U. × arkansana
  • U. × brandisiana
  • U. × diversifolia
  • U. × hollandica (Dutch elm)
  • U. × hollandica var. insularum
  • U. × intermedia
  • U. × mesocarpa
Species cultivars
American elm
Cedar elm
Chinese elm
European white elm
Field elm
Japanese elm
Siberian elm
Winged elm
Wych elm
Hybrid cultivars
Dutch elm
U. × intermedia
Unconfirmed derivation cultivarsFossil elms
  • U. okanaganensis